Don't let your home make your kids sick
With all the internal and external pressures that children face today, we as parents are more aware than ever of the importance of...

Embrace Joy
As a mother of two active, inquisitive and energetic boys I sometimes find myself feeling overwhelmed. There is a never-ending list of...

breath: the air inhaled and exhaled in respiration; and or/ a momentary pause or rest Our yogees work on their breath in every class. ...

being silly
When is the last time you danced in public? Risked telling a joke when people might not laugh? Worn something that is more retro than...

All I Needed to Know About Life, I Learned from Crow Pose
Bakasana (crow pose) I remember how scary this pose once was for me. The fear I had of falling flat on my face, hurting myself or just...

Strength is not only a measurement of how many chatturangas you can do or how much weight you can lift; strength is a part of your...

Santosa “We can easily practice santosa in the beautiful moments and joyous experiences of our lives. But Patanjali asks us to be equally...

NEW YEAR, NEW YOU? Not necessarily. You’re a rock star just the way you are! Traditionally, January 1st is known as a green light to...

Get to it!
Get To It! One of the things I love about working with children is the ability to revisit important lessons I either missed as a kid, or...

What is this #mindfulness stuff?
“In today’s rush, we all think too much — seek too much — want too much — and forget about the joy of just being.” ~Eckhart Tolle It...