

It is June 2016 and I find myself grateful for so many aspects of my life and how it is continuing to grow with love and inspiration every day. I am grateful that I get to do what I love. I get to teach yoga to kids. We at yogees have an opportunity to enrich children’s’ lives and make a difference, hopefully, on their outlook for their future. We have the opportunity to help them with balance, strength and flexibility, both physically and emotionally. A few weeks ago, I taught my last class at a school for the year and many of the kids are moving on to kindergarten next year so I may not get to see them again.

This makes me a little blue to not get to see their little faces again, but grateful to know I had the chance to better their lives even if just a little bit. Maybe next year, if they begin to get nervous about the new and bigger school, they will take a minute to take a deep breath; In through their nose and out through their mouth. If they are scared, they will be able to use their words to express what they are feeling inside. My hope is they will have the strength to speak their feelings. My hope is they realize there is a place they can go to be safe, a place where there are no winners and no losers, a place on their mats. If only these few small parts of yoga they walk away with today, then I will be grateful. Thank you all for the opportunity to teach your children.
